We'll be using this weblog to keep our family and friends updated on our lifes, most of all on Cheyenne's changes as she grows!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hello Family - Friends!

I am so sorry it has been awhile. I feel like my brain is just Helter Skelter these days. I have so much going on that it;s hard for me to have one complete thought. Do you ever feel like that? Between holidays, Cheyenne, and just normal keeping up the house/laundry/cooking and work. I feel awful that its be awhile with the blog. We are still here.

It has been so cold that I hate getting Cheyenne out so if were not going to work we have just been cooped up alot. She is starting to grab at everything and trying to pull herself so she cant get into things. And let me tell you I had no idea how hard it would be to take daily shower and eat lunch with a very busy girl. I had kind of a tough Mom day the other day. I think God was trying to show me something. I was talking to a old friend a couple weeks ago over the phone and she had mention about how we keep life from being all about us - she made me realize that having pity parties stupid ones mind you are not worth it....well I had one the other night. Pitiful. Cheyenne hasn't been wanting to take naps at all and the other day she mostly cried and fuessed for a few hours. I was starting to wonder if almost 6 1/2 month olds can have colic? Ha! I do know its normal for these things to happen sometimes but it was different she hasn't ever been like this. But I didn't get anything done and I was just a mess by the time John got home. I was pretty convicted about how I didn't stop during that time and remember how blessed I truly am.

But today has been so much better. Cheyenne took a LONGGG morning nap and I got somethings done. I have felt so behind for weeks and just one good day makes me feel so much better. It's cold and icky outside so we are home in our pj's and it feels good to cross a few things off my list.

My baby girl is 6 months old. I cannot believe it, meaning half a year has gone by. She seems to dos something new everyday now. My love for her grows so much each day. I love watching her play and just listening to her try to "talk." She truly is my life and of course John's.

The past month or so she been rolling over, eating "solid" food twice a day. Generally in the morning and dinner. We will soon add a third meal in there. Cheyenne is definitely like her mama, she has been talking up a storm! I guess she is just learning her noises, its so funny. Most of all - she LOVES to play. We have this jumper which has toys on it to keep her occupied. Of course she likes to just sit and play with some toys too. She constantly has something in her mouth these days - mainly her hand, fingers, and ever her feet. She loves to put those feet in alot.

John, Cheyenne and I went out the other night and bought our first real tree. We were so excited that we didn't even take to consideration how big of a tree we should get. We saw the first tree we liked and said that's the one, all excited John took me over to Walmart where we got lights and all new ornaments. Came home figured out where we wanted to put the tree and came to find out it was wayyyy to big for the house. So we had to CUT it. lol We will be celebrating our first Christmas this year without my mom. Just thinking about it upset me so much. I know it is going to be very hard but I am trying to be positive for my father, brother and my family. This will be also Cheyennes first Christmas which I need to be positive for her. I just want this Christmas to be special too because it's Cheyenne's first. I know she wont remember it but I look forward to the tradition we will begin with our family. I don't want Cheyenne to remember Christmas for the gifts she got but for the simple magical time she spent with her family. I know I always remember Thanksgiving and Christmas as a time we spent with our family and making cookies with mom to leave them out for Santa. I can clearly remember those days as my mother and everyone would cook dinner, we would watch parades on TV and football.

I will post some photos alittle later tonight, after Cheyenne goes to sleep. Hope all is well with everyone.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cheyenne Elizabeth 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

We are finally moved! finshed post nov 4

It has been a long journey for us this last month and half. Well it has been a whirlwind here. We are officially moved to our new home! We are so excited. We are still trying to organize everything here still, its just all over the place. You see, this is our first actual home and as a family. God has blessed us so much! I love it more every day. Waking up here is so much fun- it's bright and cheery.
It feels soo good to be in a place where it feels like "Home" no more having to be smashed in one little place when friends and family come to see us, or having landlords right next to us in the summer though we love them and they were so great to us.

First off, like I said we are living in our new home! The views are nice and its so peaceful and quiet out on our road. We are slowly getting everything put into place and making it look nice. We are wanting to do some upgrades on things but that will be in time. Just slowly, we never knew how much it was to change things and fix. John is such a amazing, coolest husband in the world! I know we all think about our husbands and we should, but I love this man for so many reasons. He is such a hard worker! he has so much ambition, drive and passion for everything and works so hard so we can live a great life... He has been so amazing with this whole house thing.

The move into this house was much easier I would say then when we first moved here and in fact from when we first moved out into our first place down there in mesa into that apartment! :) With the new house, we had so much help from friends and family and we were moved in almost in 2 days if that! The first week here it was alot of work, John was amazing he got all the bedrooms painted for me before we moved in. He just worked his butt off, we had friends and family help with this process. Each one of them helped us alot, it was a lot of work!

Things have just been so crazy around here that I haven't had any time to blog and update anyone...So I am sorry. We got to have our first Halloween for Miss Cheyenne. she was alittle bumble bee. We had such a great time! I had to work through the day but daddy and Cheyenne got to spend some time together which I feel is very important for them to have time together when I am not around. Got home alittle later then what we thought but it all worked out. It was so fun dressing her up and taking pictures. WE headed to this thing called trunk or trick in our town it was PACKED!!! Cheyenne LOVED it though! She got to see so many people in one place ;) Then we headed off to see some of our really good friends, it was almost bedtime for Cheyenne anyways and it was very cold that night. So just for little bit she watched the kids come to the door and we just passed candy out though Cheyenne was passed out at that point. :)

Cheyenne is just getting so bigI have been so tickled by the faces she makes when she eats. she is such a little drama queen. she will act like she is just gagging on it and then in the next second - flash a huge smile! Oh dear- in 13 years John and I are going to need alot of prayer. :) she is starting to really love the whole eating thing. Last night she grabbed the spoon from me and was trying to feed herself.; smiles constantly. She is becoming much more of a people person she loves everyone, you might be thinking shes smiling at you then you realize no it was something tot he side of you LOL. My gf the other day was like look at the big smile come to find out she was checking out the kid right behind her! I just love this little girl so much and have come to realize, a mothers love for her child is one of the strongest forces in this world!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Can you believe it Cheyenne is 3 1/2 months

It is so hard to believe how time has gone by so fast. I know everyone says that, especially when you have kids, but I never realized it until now. Being a mommy is the best, yet most challenging thing in the world! I love every second of it and wouldn't trade it for the world. I so am blessed to have her and my husband. John and I cant believe how much she has changed already! I am starting to pack up all of her newborn clothes today. That made me sad. It feels like just yesterday she fit into them. Anyway, I am packing them away just in case baby #2 is a girl too.. When we decide to have another one. Cheyenne is doing great! Shes getting bigger and bigger every day. Shes being very good to Mommy and Daddy and sleeping 9 to 5:30-6am. She's been doing great with the whole sleeping thing for the last few weeks. After she gets up and takes her bottle shes not quite ready to go back to bed yet so she lays in her bassinet and "talks" like a mad woman! Then she gets tired so she falls back to sleep for about a hour more.. I have actually gone back to work a few more hours then what I had planned when we first brought Cheyenne home. I am taking Cheyenne to work with me one full day and another day just half the day. It amazes me how good she is and she for sure loves all the people talking to her, she is a social butterfly!

She got her first kinda cold about 2 weeks ago. She just started getting a stuffy noce. By a couple days she was real congested so I called the doctor. He said just to put baby vicks on her chest and makes sure to clear out her nose. If she gets a fevor or a bad cough to call him back but she never did, thank the lord. She just developed such a cough and her nose was runnin like crazy. My poor little girl was so congested she couldnt sleep the whole night through. There was nothing worse than seeing your little baby helpless and there was nothing John and I could really do for her. It broke my heart to see her like that. But like the doctor said just give it some time and she'll be fine. Shes doing much better now...

She's started to laugh so much! The other day she actually laughed out loud! It was the cutest thing ever! We're trying to give her enough time on her playmat so she learn to crawl.. Shes trying and kinda getting the idea other then she gets so upset and she goes head first down. Shes holding her head up pretty good now..Its so cute!

Other then that we are just aniously awaiting to close on th house and be able to have our first place we can actually call home and ours. Hope all is well with you all and were always thinkin about you.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Sorry it has been awhile since I have updated you all! Cheyenne Elizabeth is doing great! Well for the past week she has been having really bad sinus problems and she was runnin a slight fevor the other day but today is a way better day. Other then that I can not believe that She is alittle over 3 months now and what a blessing she has been to our family. It is amazing how much she has changed over the past few weeks....the once sleepy girl has changed into a very happy, go lucky little thing who loves to fight going to sleep. LoL! Though she is a fairly good sleeper and pretty laid back. Not much ruffles her feathers and she loves her puppy hunter for sure. Just today I decided that I would give her a bath just to clean her up before daddy got home so she was all ready for him when I left for work....As I was bathing her Hunter just sat there starin at her, she then gives the biggest smile and then next thing you know lets out her first actual big laugh. It was so cute. She's growing like a weed. Below are some recent pictures of Cheyenne, hope you all enjoy.

Monday, August 31, 2009

We're Buying a House!

We found the perfect house for us! That's the Bozek's biggest news for the month, other then Cheyenne is 3 months old today. I know some of you must be picking your jaws up off the floor, because just a few weeks ago we were talking about staying renting for awhile and buying a house was a someday thing. I love to browse the real estate listings in our area, since we moved her 4 years ago, so we have frequently browsed the realeaste listings in the town we're in, the prices for a average starter home is pretty up there, it was well above our price range or what we wanted to spend.

Well I was browsing real estate sites last week, I found a house that seemed too good to be true. It was some what in our price range. So we said well why not lets go check it out. The house isn't in the town where we currently live. It's actually closer to Johns workplace, though the salon is up where we currently live. After walking through the house and looking at it twice we just decided to talk with a mortgage company, now were just waiting on everything to be accepted. Today the house went into escrow...

At almost 1700 square feet, this house will give us plenty of room to grow. Once we buy, we don't intend on moving for quit sometime. I think the best time to buy a house would have had been alittle down the road so we could had saved more. However, it's not often that an opportunity like this comes up, where a house out, yet close to town, with nearly every "want" we have in a house is available. And it's even less often that a house like that is in our price range.

So well....We are just going to wait to see if everything goes the way its planned we still have the financing to go completely through, inspections, and appraisal hoops. But I am confident that it will work out, and if not everything does happen for a reason. So please keep your fingers and toes crossed for us....

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Cheyenne Elizabeth has been just a delight today. She has been so happy and sweet and smiley- I think i've kissed her a million times today. She is getting so big and I have never loved anything as much as i love being her mom. She is just growing so much. Cheyenne is a very strong baby and can hold her head up by herself alittle longer now where before it was just for a short time, She is following many objects with her eyes, but loves to focus on daddy and mommy. She is smiling so much it is so cute it melts my heart every time. Cheyenne now is sleeping all by herself where before she would sleep half the night and when waking up for feeding she wouldnt want to go back to sleep by herself...which im a very guilty of letting her get away with it... who wouldnt as a mommy?

Cheyenne has developed such a cute personality. She difinitely recongnizes John or I responds with a great big smile. Her smile lights up her whole face! She also has been starting to laugh alot more. Oh my goodness it is the cuttest thing. I thought her smile was presious but man her laugh is even better. She now starting to reach for things, mommys glasses, hair, and now her blanket. It has been really fun watching her change and grow everyday. She is such a great baby and we are very lucky.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

few pics.....

Cheyenne is now be able to hold her head up for longggg period of times.... im so excited!
Look at that sweet face....Don't you just want to pick her up and hold her.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


So wed was the dreaded day for the "9 week" shots! We saw our doctor for a little check up and he answered all my crazy questions. Cheyenne checked out GREAT, weighing in at 13 lbs and 24 inches. The shots were tough. Her face just broke my heart. At least we don't have to have them again tell she's 4 months old. she screamed like crazy after the first stick, but she calmed down soon after I started talking to her when she was getting the rest. She just kinda gave the nurse the most nasty looks then make a little "uh" sound then look at me. LoL! She was pretty fussy and she was napping alot. Other then that I thought things were going great oh wow later that night it was just crazy, running a slight fevor, not wanting to eat, wanting to be held..... She still hasn't really gotten over it yet shes still running alittle fevor but they said it was very common. I just hope she feels better ASAP!

Cheyenne will be 10 weeks on Monday and I cannot believe it! The time has really flown by and its makes me very sad but very proud. Shes sucking on her little hands. The other night she actually slept all night in her own bed well the bassinet. Here are some new things that she has been doing.
* She is starting to smile and laugh ALOT.
* Her feet are very ticklish if you get it in the right spot.
* She loves to watch and stare at her mobile in her crib loves her PLAY GYM cause of the things hanging...she grabs for them now yay
* Looking out the window
* Loves her bath time and she makes it very known :)
* She loves to watch the Disney channel "which I really want to get those baby Einstein DVDs, soon"
*She loves to be outside john always takes her out there she loves watching the birds, sky, and trees.
* Hunter our other baby "dog" they are best friends

I am doing okay! I have started walking and working out a little bit. I think I over did it last week so I will lighten up just for a bit. I am so anxious I just want to get some weight off but like the doc says that I need to take my time that it wont just happen over night and that I just had Cheyenne just alittle over 2 months.

Cheyenne when she got home I took pictures of her band aids :)
starting to get alittle fussy here as you can see on her face! cute little chubby legs "also sitting really funny when took the picture"

Monday, August 3, 2009


So today I was going through picture's and came across our wedding photos. Makes me realize how long John and I have been together. you know I married the sweetest guy in the world. I dont know where I'd be without the support and love of my husband. I can't believe its been 7 years that we have been together. Pretty soon, I'll be saying its been 10 years, then 20! The older I get, the faster time seems to fly by! It's scary! A lot has happened in 7 years. Not only have we grown closer and stronger as a couple, but John has seen me through some extremely dark days over time and those are the days I never really wanted him to see let alone anyone. He has been at my side for every life changing, heartbreaking, memory making event of my life, and the list is long. There are things that I am so not proud of that I have done or even have/had said....But John was there and is still.
It has made me realize what a amazing husband I have. He has brought so much happiness and hope in my life. I know for sure that John is a WONDERFUL daddy.. Having cheyenne now, we know it will be an amazing adventure - an adventure with lots of changes, ups and downs, fears, and love...but, most of all love. One thing is for sure, I wouldnt want anyone else going through the unknown world of parenthood with me....I love him so much, and I cound not imagine my world without John and cheyenne in it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

two months sat!

Where is the world has the time gone? Our baby girl on sat will be two months! If two months goes by this fast, I can't imagine how quickly her first birthday will be here. It's so sad, but it's so fun! I look at her everyday and think...."What else will she see for the first time today?" She has so much to do in her life and I'm so excited for her and to be there with her! I cannot wait to share everything with her.
Her first 2 months of life was the best of my life and I am sure I can say that for John. The first few weeks home were tough, but worth every second of it! Now that we've sorta got our schedule down things are a little easier. We do 'tummy-time" to strengthen her neck muscle which she can hold her head on her own now but sometimes with alittle bit of help. She is making little noises and they are the sweetest in the world! She is getting better at focusing on things and following things with her eyes. SHE LOVES TV... Tonight john said she just sat there watchin the tv with him didnt ever take her eyes off of it. I say all these things as a proud mama, but am sad that she is "growing up." I think everyday about how I will wish for these days back in years to come.

Monday, July 20, 2009


We go second week of Augest to get Cheyenne's first set of shots. That will be a hard visit for me and Cheyenne! Her doctor is very nice. John and I are pleased. He has answered all my questions and gives us some great info! So.....How is life as mommy? We'll it's the best thing EVER! I can't quiet express the feelings and emotions I have towards my baby girl! i know my mom use to tell me all the time 'one day you will understand." I think of that nearly EVERY time I look at Cheyenne. It's so amazing how this little human was once in my tummy moving all around and now I can't believe she is actually here! It's the neatest feeling! I just think she is the most amazing thing in the world, and John & I are so blessed. My life is forever changed- for the better, and I know I can say that for John as well. It has been a huge adjustment but worth every second. We learn something new everyday and its been fun. I cant help but smile at Cheyenne everytime I look at her. Even through her tears, I find myself smiling at her because she is literally my angel sent from Heaven. I know my mom is loving wathcing her grandbaby from above. I have had my moments dealing with the "I wish my mom was here," but i know in my heart that Cheyenne is here because of God. awww!!!!
Cheyenne is such a daddys girl. She is totally wrapped around her daddy's finger. It is the best feeling in the world to see John with Cheyenne. He loves her more than life itself- you can just see it! He's been the biggest help with her and everything else.

A special thanks to John's and my AMAZING family and friends for helping us get adjusted to parenthood. Thanks to all our visitors and for all the well wishes! we have and are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. I just really wanted to let everyone know that because I really havent had the time to say it. THANKS AGAIN!

About two weeks ago she had her first photoshoot. The pics are fablous (of
course). Cant wait to post them.

8 Weeks, Time Flys!

Hunter our dog... loves cheyenne, Anywhere John and I go with Cheyenne he is right there. Either following us, laying with her, giving her kisses, he is right by her 24/7

I took these pics 2 weeks ago... Im just getting the hang of posting pictures so dont worry there are alot more to come...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Top 2

Out of all the things we received to prepare for the baby my top two things we could not live without are the Boppy pillow & the baby swing. Both idems we have used since we brought her home and every day since. yay...shes starting to hold her head up, she is such a strong little girl. She'll just sit there looking around soaking in the world. She really is figuring out her tounge now, keeps playing with it stickin it in and out its so cute. She is also for sure quite the smiley baby these days. It doesnt take much to get a wide open mouth grin out of her, for some reason i think she is trying to figure out how to laugh. Right now when you tickle her, her laugh comes out in a little grunting sound but also a little giggle.

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Post. Baby Cheyenne

We had our sweet baby girl! I wanted to post sooner, but we had a whirl wind of events after she was born. Cheyenne Elizabeth was born June 1st weighed 8 pounds, born at 7:40am, and was 21 inches long. Baby Cheyenne is already seven weeks old. On one had, we can't believe it's been more than seven weeks since her arrival. Time goes fast! On the other hand, we can't imagine life without her. We are completely shocked. It's amazing how you can fall completely head-over-heels for a tiny, bald, toothless thing. We can't wait for her to get bigger and watch her grow. For her to sit at the table with us for dinner. For her to crawl, and walk and talk. But at the same time, we want to slow time down so that we can cherish every little baby moment. The sweet way she looks when she sleeps. The way she does her "stretchy-stretchy" face when she's just waking up. The cute baby smiles when she sees us walk in the room. Cheyenne's arms and legs are so small. It's so amazing to see such a small version of a person. John and I had wondered for 9 months what this little girl was going to look like when she came. If she would look more like John or more like me. It is hard to imagine something that is different than what we had already seen in eachother as now and our child photos. However John and I dont want to spend to much time comparing who she looks like the most cause its not as important anymore. Through the whole pregnancy and especially at the end, I have seen the grace of god in my life. I want to express my gratitude for my mother, mother-inlaw, and god. They all had great care for me in all different ways. At the moment of birth I was caught in an emotion that I can not express. In those moments I felt for our daughter as I could only imagine what my mother had felt for me. Words are insufficient for how grateful I am to her and everything she did and was. The windows that we have into the love that our mothers and god has for us are precious and I will always remember this one for my whole life.

my playlist