We'll be using this weblog to keep our family and friends updated on our lifes, most of all on Cheyenne's changes as she grows!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hello Family - Friends!

I am so sorry it has been awhile. I feel like my brain is just Helter Skelter these days. I have so much going on that it;s hard for me to have one complete thought. Do you ever feel like that? Between holidays, Cheyenne, and just normal keeping up the house/laundry/cooking and work. I feel awful that its be awhile with the blog. We are still here.

It has been so cold that I hate getting Cheyenne out so if were not going to work we have just been cooped up alot. She is starting to grab at everything and trying to pull herself so she cant get into things. And let me tell you I had no idea how hard it would be to take daily shower and eat lunch with a very busy girl. I had kind of a tough Mom day the other day. I think God was trying to show me something. I was talking to a old friend a couple weeks ago over the phone and she had mention about how we keep life from being all about us - she made me realize that having pity parties stupid ones mind you are not worth it....well I had one the other night. Pitiful. Cheyenne hasn't been wanting to take naps at all and the other day she mostly cried and fuessed for a few hours. I was starting to wonder if almost 6 1/2 month olds can have colic? Ha! I do know its normal for these things to happen sometimes but it was different she hasn't ever been like this. But I didn't get anything done and I was just a mess by the time John got home. I was pretty convicted about how I didn't stop during that time and remember how blessed I truly am.

But today has been so much better. Cheyenne took a LONGGG morning nap and I got somethings done. I have felt so behind for weeks and just one good day makes me feel so much better. It's cold and icky outside so we are home in our pj's and it feels good to cross a few things off my list.

My baby girl is 6 months old. I cannot believe it, meaning half a year has gone by. She seems to dos something new everyday now. My love for her grows so much each day. I love watching her play and just listening to her try to "talk." She truly is my life and of course John's.

The past month or so she been rolling over, eating "solid" food twice a day. Generally in the morning and dinner. We will soon add a third meal in there. Cheyenne is definitely like her mama, she has been talking up a storm! I guess she is just learning her noises, its so funny. Most of all - she LOVES to play. We have this jumper which has toys on it to keep her occupied. Of course she likes to just sit and play with some toys too. She constantly has something in her mouth these days - mainly her hand, fingers, and ever her feet. She loves to put those feet in alot.

John, Cheyenne and I went out the other night and bought our first real tree. We were so excited that we didn't even take to consideration how big of a tree we should get. We saw the first tree we liked and said that's the one, all excited John took me over to Walmart where we got lights and all new ornaments. Came home figured out where we wanted to put the tree and came to find out it was wayyyy to big for the house. So we had to CUT it. lol We will be celebrating our first Christmas this year without my mom. Just thinking about it upset me so much. I know it is going to be very hard but I am trying to be positive for my father, brother and my family. This will be also Cheyennes first Christmas which I need to be positive for her. I just want this Christmas to be special too because it's Cheyenne's first. I know she wont remember it but I look forward to the tradition we will begin with our family. I don't want Cheyenne to remember Christmas for the gifts she got but for the simple magical time she spent with her family. I know I always remember Thanksgiving and Christmas as a time we spent with our family and making cookies with mom to leave them out for Santa. I can clearly remember those days as my mother and everyone would cook dinner, we would watch parades on TV and football.

I will post some photos alittle later tonight, after Cheyenne goes to sleep. Hope all is well with everyone.


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