We'll be using this weblog to keep our family and friends updated on our lifes, most of all on Cheyenne's changes as she grows!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Sorry it has been awhile since I have updated you all! Cheyenne Elizabeth is doing great! Well for the past week she has been having really bad sinus problems and she was runnin a slight fevor the other day but today is a way better day. Other then that I can not believe that She is alittle over 3 months now and what a blessing she has been to our family. It is amazing how much she has changed over the past few weeks....the once sleepy girl has changed into a very happy, go lucky little thing who loves to fight going to sleep. LoL! Though she is a fairly good sleeper and pretty laid back. Not much ruffles her feathers and she loves her puppy hunter for sure. Just today I decided that I would give her a bath just to clean her up before daddy got home so she was all ready for him when I left for work....As I was bathing her Hunter just sat there starin at her, she then gives the biggest smile and then next thing you know lets out her first actual big laugh. It was so cute. She's growing like a weed. Below are some recent pictures of Cheyenne, hope you all enjoy.


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