We'll be using this weblog to keep our family and friends updated on our lifes, most of all on Cheyenne's changes as she grows!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Can you believe it Cheyenne is 3 1/2 months

It is so hard to believe how time has gone by so fast. I know everyone says that, especially when you have kids, but I never realized it until now. Being a mommy is the best, yet most challenging thing in the world! I love every second of it and wouldn't trade it for the world. I so am blessed to have her and my husband. John and I cant believe how much she has changed already! I am starting to pack up all of her newborn clothes today. That made me sad. It feels like just yesterday she fit into them. Anyway, I am packing them away just in case baby #2 is a girl too.. When we decide to have another one. Cheyenne is doing great! Shes getting bigger and bigger every day. Shes being very good to Mommy and Daddy and sleeping 9 to 5:30-6am. She's been doing great with the whole sleeping thing for the last few weeks. After she gets up and takes her bottle shes not quite ready to go back to bed yet so she lays in her bassinet and "talks" like a mad woman! Then she gets tired so she falls back to sleep for about a hour more.. I have actually gone back to work a few more hours then what I had planned when we first brought Cheyenne home. I am taking Cheyenne to work with me one full day and another day just half the day. It amazes me how good she is and she for sure loves all the people talking to her, she is a social butterfly!

She got her first kinda cold about 2 weeks ago. She just started getting a stuffy noce. By a couple days she was real congested so I called the doctor. He said just to put baby vicks on her chest and makes sure to clear out her nose. If she gets a fevor or a bad cough to call him back but she never did, thank the lord. She just developed such a cough and her nose was runnin like crazy. My poor little girl was so congested she couldnt sleep the whole night through. There was nothing worse than seeing your little baby helpless and there was nothing John and I could really do for her. It broke my heart to see her like that. But like the doctor said just give it some time and she'll be fine. Shes doing much better now...

She's started to laugh so much! The other day she actually laughed out loud! It was the cutest thing ever! We're trying to give her enough time on her playmat so she learn to crawl.. Shes trying and kinda getting the idea other then she gets so upset and she goes head first down. Shes holding her head up pretty good now..Its so cute!

Other then that we are just aniously awaiting to close on th house and be able to have our first place we can actually call home and ours. Hope all is well with you all and were always thinkin about you.


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